Definition of an “Ugly-Cry”: cry so intense
that one's facial expression
becomes contorted

In April of 2022, I experienced an ugly-cry that was so intense, my apartment neighbor fiercely knocked on the door to ask what was going on. In May of 2021, Katie Mack, our talented creator and performer, experienced her profound ugly-cry. That cry, created this show. It was my fairly recent experience with deep grief and intense ugly-cry, that drew me to this layered grief-play.
Unlike many stereotypical plays about grief that fall into the trap of general sadness, this play argues that grief is a two sided coin of loss and love. Together we travel back and forth in time falling in love with Eric Anthamatten as well as her new hook-up, Dalton. So on one hand you get to see grief at its most unfiltered and on the other you get to play in the world of new love.
But there’s a glitch. We could ask you to be a good audience member i.e. you put away your phone, sit quietly, and watch this exploration of love and loss but instead together you, me, and Mack are going to try to resurrect our dear or new friend, Eric Anthamatten, through his social media that he left behind. How? That’s for you to come to the show and find out. Grab your phone, grab a friend who loves technology, your girlfriend who should be an FBI agent with her online sleuthing skills and together we will explore social media, storytelling, and running on a treadmill in a new way.
Susanne McDonald
Director of #UglyCry